PRESYS TA-1200P Dry Block for Temperature Calibration

The PRESYS TA-1200P Dry Block for Temperature Calibration generates temperature in the insert in order to calibrate thermocouples, RTDs, thermo-switches. Besides providing high accuracy temperature values, it also allows the measurement of signals generated by the thermo-element which is being calibrated. This is possible due to an embedded calibrator specific for these types of signal, including 4-20 mA. Thus, they incorporate the functions of dry block, standard thermometer and calibrator for RTD, TC and mA.


  • TA-1200P calibrator model generates temperatures from 50 ºC (122 ºF) to 1200 ºC (2192 ºF).
  • Presents inputs for mA, thermocouples, RTDs and thermo-switches.
  • Carries out completely automatic calibrations with or without the use of a computer.
  • Accuracy to ± 3 ºC, stability of 0.2 ºC and resolution of 0.1 ºC.
  • Hart®Communicator (optional) with internal resistance configurable, transmitter power supply and latest DD as option.
  • Portable, compact, provides interchangeable inserts and carrying case.

The PRESYS TA-1200P Dry Block also provides an input for an external probe to perform the temperature measurement from a standard sensor (optional) inserted in the same measuring zone of the sensor to be calibrated, increasing the accuracy and decreasing loading effects. The standard sensor calibration curve follows the parameterization of ITS‑90.

    Presys TA series Datasheet